NEMO 3.4 Configuration Issues

namelist not terminated

Error message:

Fortran runtime error: namelist not terminated with / or &


Each section (divided by “&”) should end with “/”

Building failed on limrhg.F90

You may see the message like:

make: *** No rule to make target `limrhg.o', needed by `limdyn_2.o'.  Stop.

When you are building a ORCA2_LIM, ORCA2_LIM3 or ORCA2_LIM_PISCES. This is because limrhg.F90 in LIM3 cannot link successfully to LIM2.


Link limrhg.F90 manually:

rm -rf limrhg.F90 # delete the file
ln -s ../LIM_SRC_3/limrhg.F90 # link to limrhg.F90 in LIM_SRC_3

You can also directly copy and replace the limrhg.F90 script on NEMO/LIM_SRC2:

cp -rf ../LIM_SRC_3/limrhg.F90 limrhg.F90 # copy in force

Fortran runtime error for line 214 on nemogcm.F90

You may see the message like:

fortran runtime error, line 214 on nemogcm.f90

When you are running all kinds of configurations contain ORCA2, LIM2 or LIM3 component. This is because namelists in ORCA2, LIM2, LIM3 reference configuration do not link successfully to your configuration.

The line 214 on nemogcm.f90 is:

READ(numnam, namctl)


Copy and replace the namelist, namelist_ice, namelist_ice_lim2, namelist_ice_lim3.

cp -rf ../../ORCA2_LIM/EXP00/namelist namelist
cp -rf ../../ORCA2_LIM/EXP00/namelist_ice_lim2 namelist_ice
cp -rf ../../ORCA2_LIM/EXP00/namelist_ice_lim2 namelist_ice_lim2
cp -rf ../../ORCA2_LIM/EXP00/namelist_ice_lim3 namelist_ice_lim3